QFD Facilitation
QFD (Quality Function Deployment) is a highly efficient tool used to translate customer expectations into concrete and measurable specifications.
When strictly adhered to, the "House of Quality" (HoQ) within the QFD will minimize or eliminate commercial failures.
We support you with our know-how regarding methodology and facilitation.
The QFD leads to the development of a matrix of the "what" (what does the customer really want?) and the "how" (how do we accomplish this?). The "what", which is often not quanitified (requirement specifications), is converted into measurable specifications for specific requirements (requirements catalogue) according to an established hierarchy of priorities.
Potential conflicts regarding outcomes are recognized very early in the process and can therefore be avoided or resolved proactively, eliminating the need for expensive changes during later stages.
Starting right from the outset!
QFD is an efficient and successful method, but initiating QFD can be difficult sometimes .
Therefore allow our experts to support you, especially during the initial phases of a project, or during the introduction of this method.
We know the "Hard Facts":
- How do I properly design a structure?
- 1st House, 2nd House, ... What is important when?
- How to make proper assessments?
- How can I discover and resolve conflicting goals?
And we also know the "Soft Facts":
- How can I motivate the team?
- How to handle disturbances?
- Which questions should one ask, which ones must one ask?
- How can one efficiently and successfully implement QFD (Quality Function Deployment)?
Take advantage of our know-how and the expertise developed from many successful projects: