Practical Training in FMEA-Methodology (fundamentals)

The analysis of potential failures and their impact is a fundamental component of Risk Management in any commercial setting.

Together with you we would like to system­at­ically explore the topic FMEA :

  • Methodological introduction to Systems and Risk Analysis
  • Product and Process FMEA
  • Best practice (success stories with examples)
  • Roadmap to Success

We will introduce you to a repeatable yet simple method to achieveing successful Risk management for your products and processes. You will learn to identify which organi­za­tional and data processing requirements need to be in place.




583,10 EUR
(EUR 490,00 + taxes)


490,00 EUR

Certificate of Partic­i­pation

All partic­ipants will receive a certificate of partic­i­pation.

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